The Golf Hook Shot

Golf Swing Tips For Straighter Shots

A golf hook is not as common as a slice, but can be equally frustrating!

Luckily, a few golf swing tips should put you well on your way to straighter shots!

If you have read the golf slice page then you will realize that the hook is essentially the exact opposite of a slice. For a right handed golfer, the ball is going to turn sharply to the left during flight.

What Causes A Golf Hook?

One of the main causes of a hook, is too strong of a grip. Making sure that you are using the proper golf grip is one of the first things that you check. Too strong of a grip simply means that both of your hands are rotated too far to the right when gripping the club. This causes over compensation during the swing which will lead to a closed club face.

Another factor that could contribute to a hook, is an inward-out swing path. To visualize this, place a golf ball on the ground and imagine a "+" drawn in the middle of the ball with each line extending out in the four directions. The inward-out swing path means that the club is is moving from the bottom right corner of the ball prior to impact to the upper left corner of the ball after impact.

Combine this swing path with a closed club face, and this will put a right to left spin on the ball. This spin will cause the ball to cut sharply to the left during flight.

One quick way to check to see if your grip is properly aligned is to look at the space in between the thumb and pointer finger of each of your hands. For right handers, these spaces should point to the right side of your head or shoulder.

A third factor that could contribute to a hook shot would be your alignment. Poor alignment, particularly a closed stance could cause your to alter your swing, in turn, leading to a shot that travels to the right.

How To Fix A Golf Hook

As mentioned above, check your grip! Too strong of a grip could lead to a hook. Also, if your right hand is gripping stronger than your left, it could cause the right wrist to rotate excessively and close the club face. A proper golf grip is essential!

Another quick fix is to check the ball position. A ball that is placed too far back in your stance will cause you to alter your swing path to compensate.

Check your alignment: Make sure that your hips, shoulders, and feet are in the correct position. For a quick review of the golf stance and ball position, click here.

Also, monitor how quickly your hands begin to move in the downswing in relation to your hips. You may need to videotape your swing, or at least have someone else watch you. If your hands are too aggressive, it could lead to an early wrist break and closed club face.

And the final tip for how to fix a golf hook, although obvious, is practice! Head to the driving range and work out your issues. Here you can make minor adjustments to your grip, stance, and swing and see real-time results. Once your have things under control, head to the course and see if it will carry over to a real round.

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